Saturday, 31 January 2015

Fourth Weigh In - 0lbs Lost...

Slightly annoying, but never mind. January's target was easily exceeded and this means that I only have to lose 3lbs in February to hit the next target. I don't get a reward, but then I haven't had last week's yet so it doesn't really matter so much.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Week Five (31st Jan - 6th Feb 2015)

Sat - 2500*c / 27x Bench Press 60lbs - 30m Treadmill - 22x Bench Press 60lbs
Sun - 1655c / -
Mon - 1715c / 30m Walk
Tue -  1320c / 35m Walk
Wed - 1468C / 30m Walk
Thu - 1853c / -
Fri - 1920c / -

*Meal out on Saturday (Scampi & Chips + Choc Fudge Cake)

Saturday, 24 January 2015

3rd Week Photos...

Not a massive difference, but it does look like my belly has gotten a bit smaller. Certainly need a belt on my fat jeans now, otherwise they are hanging low!

Third Weigh In - 2lb lost...

Thursday morning I had lost 2lbs and was feeling confident. Friday morning those two pounds had reappeared, which made me rather less confident! Luckily, this morning they had gone again, taking my total loss to 9lbs in three weeks. Again, that's another two pounds off of February's target before we even start the shortest of months. I'm hopeful of another pound or two next week, meaning February's target should be easily achieved by the end of the second week.

Scored a bit of a bargain at the Lindt online store this week, a box of 33 Lindor Xmas Stars going for £5. Also some Lindt Bells going for 96p. Total bargains. Of course, these must be eaten cautiously and selectively, otherwise things will start going belly-up, or belly-out more to the point!

Week Four (24th - 30th Jan 2015)

Sat - 1780c / 30m Treadmill + 22 Chest Press (60lbs)
Sun - 1649c / -
Mon - 1845c / -
Tue - 1846c / 35m Walk
Wed - 1855c / -
Thu - 1915c / 30m Walk
Fri - 1850c / 35m Walk

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Week Three (17th - 23rd Jan 2015)

Sat - 1663c / 40m Walk
Sun - 2201c / 30m Treadmill (3.7mph / Incline 6)
Mon - 1355c / 2x 30m Walk
Tue - 1915c / 35m Walk
Wed - 1750c / -
Thu - 1848c / 35m Walk
Fri - 1466c / -

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Second Weigh In - 1lb lost...

Well, I wasn't expecting another six pounds, but I was expecting two. But one pound is still going in the right direction, and it qualifies me for another toy choice. And that pound is one less that I have to lose in February of course!

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Fat jeans...

Yes I do mean jeans not genes... last week, after Christmas, I had to buy a pair of jeans cos I had literally expanded out of all but one very thin pair, and since I bought them to fit me nearly half a stone ago (even though that was only last week) they are already too big to wear without a belt.
These jeans were from a supermarket and only cost me £10, but as I've only worn them five times that means they are my most expensive jeans ever (£2 a go!).
Now I'm sure Mistress R would say that I get rid of them, but really that doesn't stop you getting fat again, it just means you have to buy more clothes again when you do. What I think I'm going to do is put them into storage, away from my normal clothes, so that they are there if I ever need them again, at least for the moment.
If all goes to plan, and I end up back in 34" jeans, then maybe I will give them to a charity or something, but I shall then have a pair of 36" jeans in storage. I might also pin a note to them, reminding myself that these jeans are for emergencies only and should not be taken as a new normal.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Week Two (10th - 16th January 2015)

Sat - 2165c / 30m Treadmill (3.7mph / Incline 6)
Sun - 2240c / 55m Walk
Mon - 1847c / -
Tue - 1853c / 30m walk
Wed - 1814c / 30m walk
Thu - 1850 / -
Fri - 1634 / -

First weigh in - 6lbs lost...

So today was my first weigh in and I was 233lbs (16St 9lbs) which is a loss of six pounds in the first week. Which bizarrely enough is my target for January, RESULT! Of course this doesn't mean I can take the rest of January off, I really want to get ahead of the targets so that I can ensure I don't have to go back to Slimming World even if I have a bad month. What would be really good is if I could get to my next target by the end of January, that only means losing another six pounds in three weeks, not exactly impossible.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

All going well so far...

I'm finding it fairly easy at the moment. The thing I've come to realise about dieting is that if your head is in the right place then it will be a productive exercise, but if it isn't then you might as well not bother. When I went to Slimming World my head was undoubtedly in the right place and I got the results. I feel like I am similarly 'in the right place' mentally to achieve good things again.
Needless to say I am a compulsive weigher, I know there is much debate about this but I don't really care what is right since I'm going to do it anyway. The good news is that the weight is already coming off and I am hopeful of at least four pounds by the time of my first weigh-in next Saturday.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Sixteen stone something...

I've done my blog in pounds simply because most of my readers are from the USA, and because it's probably easier to equate pounds to stones rather than the other way around. Stones are what we in the UK use, nobody really knows what 200lbs is, and even less know what 100KG is!
There are 14lbs in one stone, don't ask me why... which makes it very tedious to convert from pounds as all you can really do is divide by fourteen and then work out the remainder. But stones is what I know, so it was particularly annoying to weigh in at 239 since that meant my weight was 17St 1lb, rather than the 16St 12lbs I was expecting. It seems so much worse. I am looking forward to weighing next Saturday and being 16St something again.

Week One (3rd - 9th Jan 2015)

Sat - 1782c / 30m Treadmill (3.7mph / Incline 6)
Sun - 2019c / 30m Treadmill (3.7mph / Incline 6)
Mon - 1785c / 35m Walk
Tue - 1780c / -
Wed - 1392c / -
Thu - 1842c / 35m Walk
Fri - 1792c / -

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Starting weight...

So the first weigh-in took place this morning and my starting weight is..... 239lbs. That's about 3lbs more than I was expecting, but this could be partly explained by the fact that I was wearing a T-shirt and boxers and also that we moved the scales to a more stable floor.
Anyway, it is what it is and I'm sure by next weekend there will be a considerable shift downwards, In fact I am hopeful that I can remove the bulk of the first month's target in the first week. I certainly hope next weekend I feel a lot better than I do now, because the late nights and overeating of the last ten days has left me feeling pretty shitty.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Welcome to my weight loss blog....

Greetings, I'm sure 99% of you will be visiting from my other blog, but just in case you've found me some other way, or you don't remember the details here's the background...

In July 2013 I decided to go to Slimming World. I weighed approx 17.5 stone (245lbs) at the start, and I got down to about 15.5 stone (217lbs) before I left. I actually lost more, down to 15st exactly at one point, before I started to put it back on again.
Stupidly, it's all too easy. Even when I got back to 16st I wasn't worried, I could dip back into the 15's anytime I wanted, but then a few months later I had crept up to 16.5st again, and then over the last few months it's been creeping up still more. Thankfully, I still haven't put all the weight I lost back on again, that would be too depressing, but it's bad enough, my first official weighing day is Saturday and I am expecting to weigh 16st 12lbs (236lbs) or thereabouts.
I am pretty confident that I will be able to lose 4-5lbs in the first week, which will take me back to around 16.5st, and hopefully the first stone will be shed by the end of January. In any case, Mistress R and have consulted over my potential progress and we have agreed that in order to avoid a return to Slimming World (which I really don't want to do) then I must lose 6lbs every month for the first six months of the year.
This, of course, is the minimum requirement, just to avoid enrolling again and spending every Tuesday night with a numb backside listening to a lot of deluded people lying to each other about what they've eaten. Sorry... not everyone of course, some people are brutally honest with themselves, causing laughter in the rest of the group and exasperation on the face of the group leader.
But anyway, the specifics are then, that I must lose at least six pounds per month, each month for the first six months of the year. This means that by the end of June if I'm not 36lbs lighter than I started the year, then I will be packed off to Slimming World. If I lose more weight at the start then that doesn't matter, say if I lose 10lbs in January, then my MINIMUM weight loss for February will be 2lbs, since my target for the end of February will be 6+6=12lbs...and so on.
In addition, Mistress and I have agreed that I will complete at least four 30min periods of exercise per week, and that new weightloss will be rewarded with being allowed to choose a toy to play with, as we did previously.

Last year's New Year was brilliant, because that was the first 1st of January in ages where I'd actually achieved some progress and managed to keep it off over Christmas. But here I am again, January 1st back to square two... but I'm not going to allow myself to get depressed or upset about it, that would be counter-productive.

I will be taking some photos and measurements this coming Saturday to begin charting my progress and I hope some of you will find this blog useful and maybe even (in time) inspiring.